Mariana Ingold – Mariana Ingold Canta A Leo Maslíah

Regular price ¥36,800

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Label:Ayuí – A/E 71


Used LP 1988 Numbered

Disc:VG+ (good shape overall, feel slight surface noise at some quiet part)

Jacket:VG+ (light wear/stain, what appears to be the artist's autograph and writing on back, not bad condition overall) w/insert

Mariana Ingold, one of the most important figures in the Uruguayan music scene along with Eduardo Mateo, Ruben Rada, Hugo Fattoruso, covers the music of Leo Maslíah, one of the most unique musicians in the country, on this 1988 album. Mariana also arranged several songs, and familiar faces such as Eduardo Mateo, Jaime Roos, Popo Romano, and Edú Lombardo also appear in various parts. It contains a variety of strange grooves such as strange pop number "Meta Lenguaje" & "Natalia", which are typical of Leo Maslíah, Mateo plays percussion and gives magical floating feeling "Rumores”,  vibraphone sound and singing voice bring a mysterious feeling while having a sense of speed "Acordes", psychedelic touch "Dónde Está Tu Corazón” with Jaime Roos and Edú Lombardo, and ”Lo Que El Viento Se Llevó” with her enchanting voice. Lovely condition.

Eduardo Mateo, Hugo Fattorusoと並ぶウルグアイ最重要人物のひとりMariana Ingoldが界隈きっての奇才Leo Maslíahの楽曲をカバーした88年作。アレンジでもマリアナが数曲手掛けている構成で、各所にEduardo Mateo, Jaime Roos, Popo Romano, Edú Lombardoなどウルグアイ重鎮の面々が参加。正にLeo Maslíahらしい奇妙なポップ感覚にゾワゾワする”Meta Lenguaje”, ”Natalia", マテオが打楽器で参加したマジカルな浮遊感が味わえる”Rumores”、疾走感がありながらビブラフォンの音色と歌声が不思議な感覚をもたらしてくる”Acordes”、Jaime RoosとEdú Lombardo参加のサイケに味付けされた”Dónde Está Tu Corazón”、魅惑的な歌声に耳を傾けたい”Lo Que El Viento Se Llevó”などストレンジ・グルーヴの数々を収録。う~んたまりません。あまり気張らないで聴けるのも魅了ですね。盤面非常に良好です。

A1 - Acordes

A2 - Lo Que El Viento Se Llevó

A4 - Rumores

A5 - Meta Lenguaje

A7 - Biromes Y Servilletas

B1 - Dónde Está Tu Corazón

B2 - Natalia

B4 - Por Las Calles De Mi Mente