David Casper – Another Kind Of Sky

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Label:Hummingbird Records – HSP-104


Used Cassette 1983

Tape:VG+ (plays fine, lable of A side has wears)

J-Card:VG+ (bit wavy, light wear on back)

Composer David Casper is known as one of the pioneers who opened the door to New Age through Indian music after he became interested in the sitar. His first release was an eccentric piece under the name Cracky, which became a hot topic in the underground scene a few years ago. This album was released in 1983 and was inspired by the sky. It contains a total 8 tracks, including organic new age gem "The Rosseau Jungle," in which Casper plays toy xylophone, sitar, kalimba, the soft atmospheric "At Your Door" and smooth acoustic jazz-like "Gliding". Think this was the era when many works of this kind were produced, but this style stands out from others that use a lot of percussion instruments. Cassette version.

シタールに興味を持った事をきっかけにインド音楽を通じてニューエイジの扉を開いた先駆者のひとりとして知られる作曲家David Casper。彼の最初のリリースはCracky名義のエキセントリックな作品で数年前に地下界隈で話題になった一枚でもある。本作は空にインスピレーションを得て制作された83年リリース作品。自身がトイ木琴、シタール、カリンバ等を演奏する有機ニューエイジ”The Rosseau Jungle”、柔らかな空気感を持った”At Your Door”、スムースなアコースティック・ジャズのような佇まい”Gliding”を筆頭にした全8曲を収録。この手の作品が数多く生み出された年代だと思いますが打楽器を多く用いた作風の他とは一線を画す完成度。カセット版。

A1 - Getting Ready

A2 - Gliding

A3 - Plateau

B2 - The Rosseau Jungle

B3 - At Your Door