Adam Makowicz – Unit

Regular price ¥3,200

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Label: Pool Jazz – IRS 942.115


Used LP 1987

Disc:VG+ (marks between B1/B2 and has click noise at the beginning of B2 not very serious, otherwise plays good, check audio clips)

Jacket:VG+ (tape mark on back, light scuff, not bad condition overall)

Adam Makowicz is a Polish pianist who continued to perform even under the pro-Soviet authorities and became a touring jazz pianist before becoming active in the United States for a long time. This 1973 work recorded with drummer Czesław Bartkowski, is considered Poland's first jazz fusion work. Total 10 tracks that captivate with a variety of rhythms while also having an avant-garde sensibility. Among the highlights are the psychedelic funk-like "Sacred Song" with his own fuzzy bass and drums/percussion, the mellow fusion "Drinking Song" and the groovy and delicate fusion track "Seven For Five". All great content.A reissue version from Germany in 1987.

親ソ連当局下でも演奏を続けツアージャズピアニストへの転向を経てアメリカにて長らく活躍したポーランド人ピアニストAdam Makowicz。本作はドラマーCzesław Bartkowskiとの演奏を記録したポーランドの最初のジャズフュージョン作品と数えられる73年作。前衛的感覚も潜めながら多彩なリズムで魅せる全10曲。中でもファジーな自身のベースとドラム/パーカッションによるサイケ・ファンクのような”Sacred Song / Pieśń Religijna”、メロウ・フュージョン”Drinking Song / Pieśń Pijacka”、グルーヴィで繊細なフュージョン・トラック”Seven For Five”は白眉。全編素晴らしい内容。87年のドイツからのリイシュー盤。

A2 - War Song

A4 - Drinking Song

A5 - Sacred Song

B1 - Seven For Five

B2 - Suggestion

B3 - Blues