Elton Dean – Trios

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Label:Elton Dean Tapes – ED02


Used Cassette 1989

Tape:VG+ (plays fine)

J-Card:VG+ (good condition)

1989 released work only on cassette by Elton Dean, a British alto saxophonist who was active since the 1960s and was also a member of Soft Machine. The recordings were made with trio that included Marcio Mattos, Fred T. Baker, John Etheridge from free and Canterbury scene. All original compositions, two tracks feature live performances with Keith Tippett. Particularly noteworthy are the freaky performance of "Ova," which weaves together the ensemble and improvisations of the three musicians, "Reunion” with its minimal piano and swirling saxophone, and "Unda" with its relatively standard development and fluent flow. The recording is clear and quality, and sound of tape is a great match. A duo recording was also released the previous year. 

60年代より活動しソフトマシーンにも在籍していた英人アルト・サックス奏者Elton Deanがカセットのみでリリースしていた89年の作品。Marcio Mattos, Fred T. Baker, John Etheridgeらフリーやカンタベリーシーンの実力派とのトリオでの録音を記録しています。全てオリジナルの構成で2曲はKeith Tippettとのライブの模様を収録。特に三者の表現が織り成すアンサンブルとアドリブの合間を縫うフリーキーな演奏”Ova”ミニマルなピアノに変幻自在のサックスが渦巻くような”Reunion”、比較的スタンダードな展開ながら流暢な流れで聴かせる”Unda”は筆頭。録音も上質な上テープとの相性も素晴らしい仕上がりとなっています。前年には対となるデュオ音源もリリースしています。

A1 - Reconciliation

A2 - Unda

A3 - The Return

B1 - Rising

B2 - Ova

B3 - Reunion