Label:Krysdahlark Records – KDL-1001
Used LP 1986
Disc:VG+ (feel slight surface/background noise, plays fine)
Jacket:VG+ (autographed, mostly clean)
Sublime jazz piece by Ekimi, the duo of keyboardist Billy Larkin and bassist Chris Dahlgren from Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Marketed "A Sophisticated Contemporary Blend of Jazz and Classical Music" the vinyl appears to have been produced only for promotional purposes for radio stations. The first track is "Ekimi" which starts off fantastically and then transforms into minimal jazz over 10 minutes, followed by "Che Wa Sha Wo," which is also over 10 minutes long and leads into a solitary fusion of new age and classical music. These two tunes alone evoke so many emotions. Other tracks include the beautiful vocal track "First Snow" featuring Kathy Wade and the emotional "The Ballad Of Dirty Harriet" all of which are just wonderful.
米シンシナティ出身の鍵盤奏者Billy Larkinとベース奏者Chris DahlgrenによるデュオEkimiによる崇高なジャズ作品。「ジャズとクラシック音楽の洗練された現代的なブレンド」と題されレコードはラジオ局へのプロモーション用としてのみ制作されたようです。まず幻想的な序盤からミニマル・ジャズへ変容していく10分を超える”Ekimi”、こちらも10分を超えるニューエイジとクラシカルが融合したような孤高へと導く”Che Wa Sha Wo”。この2曲だけでも充分なくらい様々な感情を巡らせてくれます。他にもKathy Wadeをフィーチャーした美しいヴォーカル曲”First Snow”、エモーショナルな”The Ballad Of Dirty Harriet”など全編ただただ素晴らしい。
A1 - Ekimi
A2 - Che Wa Sha Wo
A3 - The Ballad Of Dirty Harriet
B2 - Trans
B3 - First Snow