Kumiko Hara = 原久美子 – 熱風

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Label:Kitty Records – MKF 1043


Used LP 1978

Disc:VG+ (good shape)

Jacket:VG+ (light scuffs/wrinkles, totally not bad condition) w/insert, missing obi

The second album by Kumiko Hara, a jazz singer known for having studied under modern jazz pianist Kazuo Yashiro. In addition to the popular "Magic Night" composed by Tatsuro Yamashita and the title track "Hot Wind" with its fresh progressive rock approach, the album also features the urban and soulful "Sunny Clown" and "Seeing the Sea of Illusion". Great singing voice. A masterpiece.

モダン・ジャズ・ピアニスト八城一夫に師事していた経歴を持つ事でも知られるジャズシンガー原久美子のセカンドアルバム。山下達郎作曲の人気曲”Magic Night”やプログレッシブ・ロック的なアプローチが新鮮なタイトル曲”熱風”の他にもアーバンかつソウルフルな”陽だまりのピエロ”、”幻の海を見る”なども好ナンバー。素晴らしい歌声。名作。

A2 - 陽だまりのピエロ

A3 - 幻の海を見る

B2 - Magic Night

B4 - 熱風