Label:Kageroh Record
Used 7' 1983
Disc:VG+ (ultra light surface noise at quiet part from pressing,totally very clean)
Jacket:VG+ (clean)
’83 single by Viola Renea, led by Kuhki Imamura, the boss of "Kageroh Records" representing the Kansai underground. Both tunes are not included on the album, which was also reissued this year. The sound His sound was influenced by many kinds of music from folk songs of the Middle East, Greece and Eastern Europe to reggae,dub,etc, It's as if the one Japanese unfathomable enthusiasm for music has become one of its own...even feel that. It is a short-lived band that the members are said to have been unable to keep up with Imamura's strong personality, but think you can feel the charm of this single as well.
関西アンダーグラウンドを代表するレーベル”かげろうレコーズ”主催の今村空樹率いるViola Reneaの83年のシングル盤。両曲共に今年リイシューもされたアルバムには未収録。中近東、ギリシャや東ヨーロッパの民謡、レゲエ、ダブなどあらゆる音楽に影響されていたというそのサウンドは日本人の音楽へ対する底知れぬマニア心がひとつの形になったかのような…そんな気さえします。メンバーも今村の強烈な個性についていけなかったと言われる短命に終わったバンドですがその魅力はこのシングルでも感じて頂けると思います。
A - セイレイ舞踏
B - 矢ばねのやいば