Label:Victor – SGS-35
Used LP 1983
Disc:VG+ (good shape)
Jacket:VG+ (good condition) w/insert,missing obi
This work was created in 1983 by reconstructing a bell-shaped bronze bell, which is thought to have been used as a ritual vessel to pray for the prosperity of the village during the Yayoi period, and recording the performance for three hours in the early morning in the mountains of Nara. The performance was given by Toshiyuki Tsuchitori, a percussionist who was active in Paris at the time, and who has been involved in various collaborations, ancient music, and ethnic/folk music. In addition to the bronze bells, the performance included bronze drums, bells, and clay flutes, with A2 "Flowing Water" and A3 "Unebi" in particular giving an uncanny impression of the spirit of ancient times. Wonder if the people of Yayoi danced with this sound.
弥生時代に村の豊かなみのりを願う祭器であったと考えられる釣鐘型の青銅器 ”銅鐸”を復元し奈良の山にて早朝3時間の演奏を記録した83年の作品。演奏は当時パリにて活動していたパーカショ二ストにして様々なコラボレーションや古代音楽、民族・民俗音楽などに取り組んできた異能音楽家 土取利行。銅鐸の他にも銅鼓、鈴、土笛などを加えたパフォーマンスを記録していて、特にA2"流水",A3"畝傍"は古代の魂が宿ったかのような鬼気迫る演奏。弥生の人もこのようにして祭りで踊っていたのでしょうか。
A2 - 流水
A3 - 畝傍
B2 - 雷神