to be LIGHTS to be - S.T.

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Label:Not On Label - ICR-1385


Used LP 1984?

Disc:VG+ (good shape)

Jacket:VG+/VG (there are some glue-like marks on the entire reverse side, though they are not stains)

A private release by to be LIGHTS to be, written and arranged by a man named Leo. Recorded in 1983. The songs are amateurish but very pleasing, as if they are a combination of all of thier musical views. In particular, recommend Moon Side, which includes new wave pop song with an exquisite female vocal "Communication Project" and "Beyond the Door", which can be interpreted as Japanese reggae. Good hidden private release.

Leoなる人物が作編曲を手掛けたto be LIGHTS to beの自主製作盤。録音は83年。大学の軽音楽部か何かの制作物だと思いますが、アマチュア感も残しながらもありったけの音楽観をぶつけたような好感の持てる楽曲群。特に絶妙な間合いの女性ヴォーカルもいい塩梅のニューウェーブ・ポップ”コミュニケイション・プロジェクト”、和レゲエ解釈可の"扉の向こうへ"を収録したMoon Sideがオススメ。なかなかセンスのいいナイス自主盤。

Moon Side

T1 - 恋は去りゆき/Love has never gone away〔for a step from her〕

T3 - コミュニケイション・プロジェクト/Communication Project

T4 - 扉の向こうへ/Out of your door

Sun Side

T3 - 悲しみのSeaside/Seaside

T4 - 過ぎゆく時のまんなかで