Label:Zero Records
Used 7' 1983
Disc:VG+/EX (good shape)
Jacket:VG+ (light scuffs/wrinkles on back, photo available) w/insert
The 7' single by sh which is Shin Hirakawa's unit of the organizer of Zero Records, which is known as one of the most important underground labels in the Kansai area along with Vanity and Kagero Records. A-side "Kudakechiruyouen" is an organic ambient tune with gentle voice and sampling of iInsects voice、 B-side "The Elegy Of Luthien" with piano notes, ambience and maiden vocals. Vocal and piano are performed by Suyama Kumiko, a chanson singer with several works on the same label. Fantastic underground single.
Vanityやかげろうレコードと並んで関西アンダーグラウンドの重要レーベルとして知られるZero Recordsの主催者 平川晋のユニットshの7'シングル。平川の自宅の庭で秋の虫声をサンプリングしたオーガニックアンビエントの下地に優しい歌声が響くA面”砕け散る陽炎”、ピアノ音、アンビエンス、乙女な歌声で構成されたB面”The Elegy Of Luthien”。ヴォーカルとピアノを務めるのは同レーベルにも作品を残すシャンソン歌手 須山久美子。素晴らしいです。
A - 砕け散る陽炎
B - The Elegy Of Luthien