Label:Tainai Label
Used Flexi-disc 1985
Disc:VG+ (looks perfect but due to the characteristics of Flexi-disc, there is a little noise)
Jacket:VG+ (good condition)
The only confirmed flexi-disc single by the five-piece band Himegozen, released on the Tainai label run by amazing producer Masa a.k.a. Masayuki Kurihara, who is now also known as a DJ. Produced by Masa, this rare single features two tracks, the eletric pop/techno pop "DOLL" and the industrial-wave tune "Electric Doll"
現在はDJとしても知られるMasa a.k.a Masayuki Kuriharaが運営していた胎内レーベルからリリースされた五人組バンド姫御前による確認できる唯一のソノシートシングル。プロデュースはMasaが務め、エレポップ/テクノポップ路線の”DOLL”とインダストリアル気味の”電機人形”の2曲を収録した稀少盤。
A2 - 電機人形