Label:Heat Heart Records – HHE-0001
Used 7" 1981?
Disc:VG+ (good shape)
Jacket:VG+ (clean, black spots like stains are designed)
The only physical release by an unspecified Avant/No Wave band = (Equal) on their own Heat Heart Records. Formed like as A-side focusing on new wave sounds and B-side on the Avant side, paticular B-side is excellent, with five short tunes that combine elements of free/jazz/avant/world. The sequence of this short tune is good. Excellent. A special jacket that represents = with a cardboard that you will never forget once you see it.
詳細不明のAvant/No Waveバンド = (Equal) による自身のHeat Heart Recordsからリリースの唯一のフィジカルリリース。ニューウェーブサウンドを中心にしたA面とAvantサイドのB面のような形態、このB面が素晴らしくフリー/ジャズ/アヴァン/ワールドの要素が見事に結びついたような5曲を収録。この短い曲の連なりがまたいいです。一度見たら忘れない段ボールで=を表した特殊ジャケ。
B1 - Untitled
B3 - Untitled
B4 - Untitled
B5 - Untitled