→ ↑ → – Venitian Rendezvous

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Used 7" 1979

Disc:VG+ (good shape overall)

Jacket:VG+ (slight scuff/wear only)

→ ↑ → is a multimedia project that Philip Brophy, a Melbourne, Australia-based multimedia performer, started working on at the age of 17. It is a form of something that Philip has been inspired by through music live performances, art performances, films, videos, etc., and although his activities are diverse and it is difficult to grasp the substance of everything, it is still a driving force that drives people today. This is one of the early works released in 1979 by Venitian Rendezvous, a live project of → ↑ →, which was performed with members Leigh Parkhill, Ralph Traviato, and Anthony Montemurro, who supported and had a great influence on their activities. A total of 4 tracks aiming for a sound that musicalizes bland conservatism in the spirit of minimalism, drawn-out melody that brings an indescribable floating feeling, the tone like a toy instrument, the brokenness... the strange flickering world of Essendon Airport itself. A rare first edition. The pale color cover also evokes a sense of atmosphere.

オーストラリア・メルボルンにてマルチクリエイターPhilip Brophyが17歳から手掛けた複合プロジェクト→ ↑ →。Philipが受けた刺激を音楽ライブ、アート パフォーマンス、映画、ビデオなど媒体に関わらず表現したもので、その活動は多岐に渡り全ての実体は容易には掴めないが今日も人々を突き動かす原動力になっている。本作は活動を支え大きな影響力を持っていたメンバーLeigh Parkhill, Ralph Traviato, Anthony Montemurroと共に行っていた→ ↑ →のライブプロジェクトVenitian Rendezvousによる79年リリースの初期作品のひとつ。ミニマリズムの精神に当たり障りのない保守主義を音楽化したサウンドを目指した全4曲。なんとも言えない浮遊感をもたらす間延びしたメロディー、おもちゃ楽器のような音色、ポンコツ具合、、いつまでも聞いていたいなぁ。最高。稀少となっているファーストエディション。淡い色合いがまた風情を掻き立ててくれます。

A1 - Lampadina

A2 - Pallini

B1 - Sportelio

B2 - Canzona Di Una Notta