Used LP 1985
Disc:VG+/EX (great shape, oped from dead stock copy)
Jacket:NM (in shrink, oped from dead stock copy)
Universe, a group of musicians and social activists who make a social statement about the US nation, the society, and about themselves. C.A. Smith and Tom R. Smith took the lead on this 1985 album, which transformed from the folky-style first album into a free form involving Art, DIY, Experimental, No Wave. Highlights include "Orange" against military aggression and imperialism, accented by ominous synths, experimental track with a lo-fi feel "Austerity", followed "Love=Freedom", with its saxophone and piano harmonies, "Greensboro/Open Season" programmatically ridiculed the conflict between the Black Workers/Communist Workers and the KKK/Nazis in Greensboro, Carolina in 1979, and “Hiroshima Nagasaki Blues” which expresses Hiroshima/Nagasaki in a blues tone, it's an ambitious work drawn like an art picture scroll. Released from private label, of course. Few dead stock copies are in.
音楽を通じてアメリカの国家、社会、自らに社会的声明を出すミュージシャンや社会活動家が集まったグループUniverse。C.A. SmithとTom R. Smithが中心となりフォーキーな初作からアート、DIY、No Waveまで巻き込んだフリー・フォームに変容した85年作。不穏なシンセがアクセントになっている軍事的な侵略と帝国主義に反対する”Orange"、Lo-Fi感覚のエクスペリメンタル・トラック”Austerity”をハイライトに、サックスとピアノのハーモニーもいい塩梅の”Love=Freedom”、79年のスカロライナ州グリーンズボロでの黒人労働者/共産主義労働者党とKKK/ナチスによる衝突事件を裁判に至るまでプログラム的に揶揄した”Greensboro/Open Season”、広島/長崎をブルース調に表現した”Hiroshima Nagasaki Blues”まで音楽サイドから見ても面白い楽曲群。もちろん自主レーベルからのリリース。デッドストック入荷。
A1 - Maybe
A3 - Orange
A5 - Greensboro/Open Season
B2 - Austerity
B3 - Hiroshima Nagasaki Blues
B4 - Love=Freedom