Label:Papa Records – PAPA SEX-1
Used LP 1984
Disc:VG+ (good shape overall)
Jacket:VG+/EX (great condition) w/original inner sleeve
This 1984 relase work was created by Billy Bolero, a musician and the owner of Papa Records, which released this album, and Thomas Widestrand, who has worked on many projects as a designer and keyboard player. As the title suggests, the entire album is filled with hypnotic minimalistic electric music using synths, percussion, drums, etc., which is inferred to be a work that is conscious of music for sex. we think this record has been known for a long time for freaks, but it is still full of mysteries. Needless to say, the content is amazing.
本作のリリース元でもあるPapa Recordsのオーナー兼ミュージシャンBilly Boleroとデザイナーとして多くの作品を手掛け鍵盤奏者としても活動したThomas Widestrandによる84年の作品。正にタイトル通りのSEXの為の音楽を意識した作品と推測されるシンセ、打楽器、ドラム等を用いた催眠的なミニマル・エレクトリック・ミュージックを全編に収録。この手のファンには昔から知られている盤ですがまだまだ謎に満ちた不思議なレコード。内容は言わずもがな最高です。