Roger Doyle - Light Years

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Label:Operating Theatre Tapes


Used Cassette

Tape:VG+ (plays fine)

Sleeve:VG+ (good condition)

A cassette release by Roger Doyle, a multi-creator/composer from Dublin who is still at the forefront, known as the Operating Theater, a comprehensive avant-grade art group with Olwen Fouere. It is a compilation of creative material from 1983 to 1989 and slick collection of cutting-edge long and short experimental minimal tracks. All of the tracks are faintly creative, particular B-side is impressive...

Olwen Fouereとの総合芸術集団Operating Theatreでも知られる現在も最前線で活動するダブリン出身のマルチクリエイター/作曲家Roger Doyleの89年のカセットテープ作品。83年から89年までの創作音源をまとめたもので、先鋭的な長短のエクスペリメンタル・ミニマル・トラックをすらりと収録。どれも淡く創造性に溢れたトラックですが、特にB面の一連の曲群は圧巻。すんごい。

Sample 1

Sample 2

Sample 3

Sample 4

Sample 5

Sample 6

Sample 7

It is difficult to distinguish between tracks, and it is displayed as Sample.
