Philippe Ménard, Serge Rustin - Contes Électroniques (En Couleurs)

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Label:Productions Synchoros – SCH 001


Used LP 1983

Disc:VG+ (good shape overall, feel some light surface noise as quiet sounds)

Jacket:VG+ (ligh scuffs, not bad condition) w/original inner

Composer Philippe Ménard was a member of the Groupe De Recherches Musicales in Paris where he had a long career, and after returning to Canada he was involved in the CAPAC series, which supported composers, as well as the development of his own homemade media devices, and was active as a teacher. This work was released in 1983 and is the result of research into "color" using electronic and microcomputer-based instruments with Serge Rustin. The Sun side on A-side features two strange electronic pieces that weave together concrete, electroacoustic, and ambient, giving a glimpse of the dance music influence of the time. The Moon side on B-side is also interesting, with its unusual deep electronic ambient. It gives a sharp impression, but it's a series of interesting sounds.

長く活動したパリではGroupe De Recherches Musicalesに参加、カナダに戻った後も作曲家を支援したCAPACシリーズや自作メディア装置の開発などに携わり、教師として活躍した作曲家Philippe Ménard。本作はSerge Rustinと共に電子楽器とマイクロ コンピューター ベースの楽器を使用し「色彩」を研究した成果が刻まれた83年の作品。A面の太陽サイドでは時代のダンスミュージック的影響も垣間見えるコンクレート、エレクトロアコースティック、アンビエントが紡がれた奇怪な電子音楽を2曲。B面の月サイドでもこれまた一風変わった電子ディープアンビエントを収録。尖った印象ですが興味深い音の連続。

A1 - Conte Jaune

A2 - Conte Vert

B1 - Conte Blanc

B2 - Conte Bleu