Label:Distortion Records – DIST 3
Used LP 1989
Disc:VG+ (good shape overall)
Jacket:VG+ (light wear, not bad condition)
Matfield & The Pond is a duo formed by David Andrews and David Luery from the UK DIY movement of the early 80s. They released several cassettes in the early days of their formation, and this LP was released in 1989 as a compilation of those. It features a variety of Lo-Fi sound using field recording, collage, movie excerpt, bird call and drumless (only one song is used). A total of 15 tracks, including sweet landscape-like lo-fi pop "Jungle" sinking sunset folk "The End" mysterious feeling of the synths undulating and stretching "Guess Whose Teeth Don't Slope Back," and strange DIY pop "Art In N.Y.C". It's extremely twisted but wonderful.
80年代初期のイギリスDIYムーブメントから誕生したDavid AndrewsとDavid Lueryによる宅録デュオMatfield & The Pond。結成初期に数本のカセットを残し、こちらはその編集盤としてリリースされた89年のLP作品。フィールド レコーディング、コラージュ、映画の抜粋、鳥の鳴き声等を用いながらドラムレス(一曲のみ使用)によるLo-Fiサウンドの数々を収録。甘美な風景を想わせるローファイポップ”Jungle”、沈み込んでいくようなサンセットフォーク”The End”、シンセがうねり伸びていく不思議な感覚”Guess Whose Teeth Don't Slope Back”、ヘンテコ宅録ポップ”Art In N.Y.C”など全15曲。光と影を表すような異質なひねくれ具合がまたいいコントラストを生み出しています。最高~
A2 - (I Used To Be One Of The) Magical Crowd
A5 - The End
A6 - Guess Whose Teeth Don't Slope Back
A8 - Theme From The Wyrd
B2 - Talons So Finch
B3 - Art In N.Y.C
B5 - Jungle
B7 - Jam