Andrew Cyrille \ Milford Graves ‎– Dialogue Of The Drums

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Label:IPS ‎– IPS ST001


Used LP 1974

Disc:VG+ (only slight surface noise at mainly quiet part, totally great shape) 

Jacket:VG+ ( it's not too uncomfortablesl kind of tape mark on back, sight wrinkles/creases, totally clean condition)

’74 piece by Milford Graves, a pioneer of free jazz, and his mentor, avant-garde jazz musician Andrew Cyrille. This work is a record of the session from 1969, and it contains a tremendous performing that only these two musicians can reach. If it's easy to hear, the highlight will be around A2/A4, but the rest of the sessions were all uncanny selections. It seems to go beyond the five senses and reach the sixth and seventh senses.

フリージャズの先駆者として知られる御代Milford Gravesと師弟関係にあるアヴァンギャルド・ジャズ・ミュージシャンAndrew Cyrilleによる74年作。本作は69年からのセッションの記録を作品化したもので、正にこの二人以外には到達できないだろうという物凄い録音が収録されています。聞きやすいところだとハイライトはA2/A4あたりになるでしょうが、それ以外も選りすぐりの鬼気迫るセッションばかり。五感を通り越して六感、七感まで到達しそうです。

A1 - Message To The Ancestors

A2 - Blessing From The Rain Forest

A4 - Rejuvenation

B1 - The Soul Is The Music

B2 - The Substance Of The Vision

B3 - Call And Response