Label: Vôo Livre
Used LP 1982
Disc:VG+ (nice shape)
Jacket:VG+ (age scrubs,small price tag on back,totally great condition)
Brazilian string player Renato Lemos' only release in 1982 from Vôo Livre in São Paulo, which includes Eliete Negreiros . No wonder he's worked with many musicians in Minas like a Edson Natale who have been re-evaluated in recent years, and and this is a good collection of songs with Minas' particular strange floating feeling and beautiful harmonies.The two songs on the B side are especially great.
Eliete Negreirosなどが名を連ねるサンパウロのVôo Livreよりリリースされたブラジル人弦楽器奏者Renato Lemosの82年の唯一作。近年再評価されたEdson Nataleやミナス人脈との共演歴があるのも頷ける不思議な浮遊感や美しいハーモニーを持った良曲群を収録しています。特にB面の二曲が素晴らしいです。
A2 - Glória
A6 - Mesmo Barco
B3 - A Noite
B4 - Coisa De Louco