Label:Nós Lá Em Casa – NLEC 003
Used LP 1981
Disc:VG+/EX (good shape overall)
Jacket:VG+ (wear/satin, autographed by artist)
Singer/Viola player Nilson Chaves is from Belem, the capital of the northern Brazilian state of Para. He continues to be one of the northern region's leading musicians, having close friendships with many musicians such as Sebastião Tapajós and Vital Lima. This is his first album, produced in 1981 after a period living between Rio and Belem. Total 13 songs that bring about an exquisite balance between northern tradition, the transparency of keyboard work, and acoustic instruments, includes "Clara Lucidez," , "Canção Da Véspera", "Dança De Tudo", "Devaneios". Amazing Brazilian piece.
ブラジル北部パラ州の州都ベレン出身のシンガー/ヴィオラ奏者Nilson Chaves。Sebastião TapajósやVital Limaはじめ多くの演奏家と親交を持ちながら北部を代表するミュージシャンとして現在も活動を続ける存在。本作はリオとベレンを行き来しながら制作された81年のファーストアルバム。北部の伝統にシンセを導入した透明感にアコースティック楽器が交わる絶妙なバランス感がもたらす全13曲。Marcos ValleやEgberto Gismonti作品にも参加する歌手Aninha Marinsと共に軽快なリズムとメロディに体が揺れる”Clara Lucidez”、ミナス派のように浮遊感を持ちながら洗練を極める”Canção Da Véspera”、滑らかで牧歌的な空気感を持った”Dança De Tudo”、繊細な歌声のフォーキーなナンバー”ADevaneios”を筆頭に素晴らしい楽曲を収録しています。81年オリジナル。
A3 - Canção Da Véspera
A6 - Vagalume
B4 - Dança De Tudo
B6 - Devaneios
B7 - Clara Lucidez