Dharana ‎– S.T.

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Label:Natale Produções Artísticas 


Used LP 1987

Disc:VG+ (has light chittering/back noise at especially quiet part of A1/B1,one slight skip part on A1(Audio sample at 2:24))

Jacket:VG+/VG (light ring wear,brwon wear

Alex Braga, Toninho Mattos, Roberto Gomes and Edson Natale, a four-piece band of guitar and violin Dharana's first wrok in 1987. First of all, It will be re-performed in Edson Natale's solo work, which has become popular in recent years, but the latter part that is not incorporated there is a particularly wonderful opening "Viajante", Alex Braga scores "Sol De Inverno", "Feito Minas", an important figure in hidden masterpieces such as Oharaska and Juras De Midam, "Seda", one of the highlight tune with André Geraissati are especially great. A masterpiece that combines the essence of Minas with modernly updated performances. Overall, the condition is not bad, but there is an impression that A1/B1 was playing well, and there are some chattering noises that come from age.

Alex Braga, Toninho Mattos, Roberto Gomes and Edson Natale ギターとヴァイオリンの四人編成バンドDharanaの87年の初作。近年人気高まるEdson Nataleのソロ作でも再演されますがそちらには組み込まれていない後半のパートが特に素晴らしい冒頭”Viajante”、OharaskaやJuras De Midamなど隠れ名作に名を残す重要人物Alex Bragaスコアの”Sol De Inverno”,"Feito Minas",André Geraissatiが参加したハイライトの一つ”Seda”などを筆頭にミナスのエッセンスと近代的にアップデートされた演奏が合わさった傑作。全体的に悪くないコンディションですがA1/B1はよく再生していたと思われる経年から来るチリチリとしたノイズは入る印象です。

A1 - Viajante

A2 - Sol De Inverno

A5 - Feito Minas

B1 - Seda

B5 - Amarelinho