Aparecida Silvino – Vidro E Aço

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Label:JMT Produções LTDA – F-12.947


Used LP 1991

Disc:VG+ (light surface noise, totally not bad condition)

Jacket:VG+ (minor age wear, scuffs, not bad condition as Brazilan sleeve) w/insert

The private first album in 1991 by Aparecida Silvino, a female SSW based in the northeastern Brazilian state of Ceará. The group includes co-producer Ricardo Augusto, Belchior, Kátia Freitas, and a number of other musicians, which is also apparent in the fact that she is also the director of the choir. The songwriting is remarkable for its pastoral atmosphere, but also for its sophistication typical of this era. Totally quality contents, particularly smooth synth ballad "Tudo Ou Nada", the medium number "Beira Do Mar", the jazzy AOR "Vidro E Aço", and the beautiful folky ballad "Parto" are stand out. A good minor piece that is not yet well known.

ブラジル北東部セアラ州を中心に活動する女性SSW Aparecida Silvinoによる91年の自主ファーストアルバム。合唱団のディレクターでもあるというのも伺える共同プロデュースを務めるRicardo Augusto, Belchior, Kátia Freitasはじめ多数のミュージシャンが参加。牧歌的な空気感ながらこの時代らしい洗練さも備えたソングライティングが目を引きます。とりわけ滑らかなシンセ・バラード"Tudo Ou Nada"、ミディアム・ナンバー”Beira Do Mar”、ジャジーAOR"Vidro E Aço"、美しいフォーキー・バラード”Parto”など目につきますが全編非常にいい内容です。まだまだ知られていない良マイナー作品です。

A1 - Vidro E Aço

A3 - Tudo Ou Nada

A4 - Alma Ave

B2 - Dosagem Fatal

B3 - Beira Do Mar

B4 - Parto