Label:Visom Digital
Used LP 1990
Disc:VG+ (feel light surface noise/crack at silnet part/some part, not bad conditon)
Jacket:VG+/VG (scuffs/wrinkles, price tag on back, artists autographed on back)
1990 album by the five-member Brazilian fusion group Amazônia. The artist name may sound too straightforward, but the album is full of quality Brazilian fusion tunes. Among the tracks, "Missing" a mellow fusion with a dramatic development is a killer, and and A3 "Geribá", B3 "Influências", A4 "Primeiro Passo" are also responsive. A little known refined album that also exudes the era of the 1990s.
5人組ブラジリアン・フュージョン・グループ Amazôniaによる90年作。なんだか直球すぎて胡散臭さが漂っていますが、ブラジルらしい良質なフュージョン・チューンを随所に収録しています。中でもドラマチックな展開なメロウ・フュージョン”Missing”がキラー、他にもA3”Geribá”、B3"Influências"、B4”Primeiro Passo”なども聴き応えあります。90年らしい時代も滲ませる知られざる良質な一枚です。
A2 - Missing
A3 - Geribá
B3 - Influências
B4 - Primeiro Passo