1º Fenec – I Festival Nacional De Música Dos Empregados Da Caixa Econômica Federal

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Used LP 1987

Disc:VG+ (good shape)

Jacket:VG+ (minor wear, not bad condition) w/insert

A compilation album of performances by unknown musicians, distributed by a studio in Sao Paulo. It's full of quality that can't be underestimated as Brazil is known for, such as the melting mellow groove of Rio-based Nova Cancao's A4, the nice Brazilian folky tune A5 by Fusão de Gerações, the smooth and intonative MPB B2 by Lembranças, and the groovy Forró-type tune B5 by Caminhos. It's a minor one for those in the know.

サンパウロのスタジオがディストリビューションを手掛けた無名のミュージシャン達の演奏を記録したコンピレーションアルバム。ブラジルあるあるの侮れない良曲揃いの一枚で、リオ拠点のNova Cancaoのとろけるようなメロウグルーブを奏でるA4、Fusão de GeraçõesによるフォーキーなA5、Lembrançasによるブラジルらしい滑らかで抑揚のあるMPBのB2、Caminhosによるグルーヴィなフォロ曲B5などなど素晴らしい内容。知る人ぞ知るマイナーものです。

A4 - Nova Canção

A5 - Fusão de Gerações

B2 - Lembranças

B5 - Caminhos