Label:Selection Records – 6139
Used LP 1981
Disc:VG+ (good shape overall)
Jacket:VG+ (light wear/scuff, not bad condition)
1981 relase library piece on the local label by Belgian composer Jacques Siroul, who has worked for television and radio. It's not well known, but it's great all over and features a wide range of mellow, moody, and danceable music. Especially recommended are "Relax (Theme 5)", which has a transparent melody that develops in a morale pattern, and mellow synth track "Scoop (Generique 2)".
テレビやラジオ向けに多くの楽曲を手掛けたベルギー人作曲家Jacques Siroulが当地のライブラリーレーベルに残した81年作。あまり知られていないと思いますが全編いい内容でメロウ~ムード~ダンサンブルまで幅広く収録。特に透明感のあるメロディとドラミングがモラレ状に展開していく”Relax (Theme 5)”がキラーな仕上がり、他にもメロウ・シンセ・トラック”Scoop (Generique 2)”、アーバン・ファンク”Song For The Minstrel (Theme 3)”などもオススメ。
A2 - Scoop (Generique 2)
A3 - Orbit Of A Star (Generique 3)
B1 - Sunset (Theme 1)
B3 - Song For The Minstrel (Theme 3)
B5 - Relax (Theme 5)