Glamor Cult ‎– Tropical Romance

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Label:Table Thirty


Used 7' EP 1984

Disc:EX (great shape)

Jacket:EX (clean)

The last release 7' EP by Glamor Cult, formed by Canadian guitarist Eric Simpson. We recommend the two synth-pop A-sides with gentle synth sounds, but the two B-sides, which are similar to his earlier work, are not to be missed. All of his work is involved in is high quality and excellent. Dead stock copy.

カナダ人ギタリストEric Simpsonが中心となって結成されたGlamor Cultの最後のリリースとなる7'EP。優しいシンセサウンドが包むシンセポップのA面2曲が当店的にはオススメですが、初期作品にも近いB面2曲も見逃せません。彼の携わる作品はどれも高品位で素晴らしいです。デッドストックでの入荷です。

A1 - Tropical Romance

A2 - A Farewell To Arms

B2 - Would It Be Over