Label:CBS – 25280
Used LP 1984
Disc:VG+ (good shape)
Jacket:VG+ (light scuffs/wears, not bad condition overall) w/insert
1984 release by an Israeli singer active since '70s. A well-balanced and quality piece ranging from boogie to ballads to obscure funk. It includes urban boogie “Whoever Shoutd,” with bouncing beat and variety of sounds, percussive mellow funk “I Would Have Told Him” and obscure atmosphere funk number “How Much Longer”. The detailed arrangements are also very pleasing. Rare!
70年代より活動するイスラエル人シンガーによる84年作。ブギー〜バラード〜オブスキュアファンクまでバランスいい構成かつクオリティな作品。跳ねるビートに多彩な音で構成されるアーバン・ブギー”Whoever Shoutd ”、パーカッシブなメロウ・ファンク”I Would Have Told Him”、オブスキュア雰囲気の”How Much Longer”筆頭にいい曲入ってます。細かなアレンジメントも好感持てます。なかなかレアです。
A2 - Riding On The Wind
A3 - I Would Have Told Him
A5 - Whoever Shoutd
B1 - By His Side
B3 - How Much Longer