G.Lewis + B.C.Gilbert + A.M.C – Cross, Grow, Prayer

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Label:Vanity Records – vanity 8103


Used Flexi-disc 7" 1981

Disc:VG+/VG (scratchy sound at the beginning)


This is one of the flexi disc singles that came as an attachment to Rock Magazine that presided over by Vanity's Yuzuru Agi. One side contains a hypnotic experimental industrial track by Wire and of Dome's Graham Lewis and Bruce Gilbert, featuring vocalist Angela Conway. There is a scratchy sound at the beginning, but since there are two of the same track, you can listen to the second half without worrying about the noise.

Vanity率いる阿木譲主宰の雑誌ロックマガジンに付録として付いたソノシートシングルのひとつ。Wire and of DomeのGraham LewisとBruce GilbertにヴォーカルのAngela Conwayをフィーチャーした編成による催眠的なエクスペリメンタル・インダストリアル曲をワンサイドで収録。冒頭チリチリしますが同じ曲が続けて収録されているので後半の方はノイズも気にすることなく聞いて頂けます。

A - Cross, Grow, Prayer