Amina – Sheherazade

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Label:Disques Dreyfus – D12 4004


Used 12" 1985

Disc:VG+ (great shape)

Jacket:VG+ (light scuffs, not serious)

The debut single by Amina Annabi, an Arab singer from Tunisia, formerly a French colony. The A-side is “Sheherazade” which combines an Arabic melody with shimmering synths, obscure drumming, and a lovely voice, and the B-side is “Habibi” a mid-dancer with an even more Arabic feel. Both sare sure to stick in the minds of frontier music lovers. The sound quality is also great.

元々フランス領であったチュニジア出身のアラブ系シンガーAmina Annabiによるデヴューシングル。A面にはシンセ煌めくアラビックな旋律にオブスキュア心をくすぐるドラミング、可憐な歌声が一体となった”Sheherazade”、B面には更にアラビック雰囲気を強めたミッド・ダンサー”Habibi”。どちらも辺境好きにはたまらない名シングル。音質もバッチリ。