Oscar Hernández – Raíces Vivas Nelhuayome Tlanemitin

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Label:Discos Ehecatl – KEH-06


Used Cassette 1992

Tape:VG+ (plays fine)

Jacket:VG+ (good condition)

Mexican musician Oscar Hernández has been experimenting, exploring, and fusing through the revival and sonority of pre-Hispanic instruments since the 1980s. This cassette work was released in 1992 on a small local label. It contains 5 tracks that return to the indigenous and nature, which are depicted using various ethnic instruments, as well as electronic and natural sounds. The cosmology inherited from Mexican artists such as Luis Pérez, Jorge Reyes, Tribu, is also present here.

プレヒスパニック期楽器の再生とソノリティを通して80年代より実験、探求、融合を実践してきたメキシコ人音楽家Oscar Hernández。本作は92年に現地の小さなレーベルよりリリースされたカセット作品。各種民族楽器の他、電子音響や自然音を駆使して描き出す土着や自然に回帰した全5曲を収録。Luis Pérez,Jorge Reyes,Tribuに見るメキシコに脈々と受け継がれるコスモロジーがここにも。

A1 - Amazonia

A2 - Tlacatlayolli (Hombre De Maiz)

A3 - Tlacapatani (Hombre Volador)

B1 - Tlacapaynani (Hombre Corredor)

B2 - Nelhuayome Tlanemitin (Raices Vivas)