Label:DD. Records – DT16
Used Cassette 1981
Tape:VG+ (plays fine)
J-Card:VG+ (bit wrinkle, not bad condition) missing index
DD. Records is said to have produced nearly 250 works by unknown local and student musicians between 1980 and 1985, under the theme "super amateurism" proposed by Tadashi Kamada, who was a student at Yamanashi University's Department of Electronics. Since Kamada moved to Nagoya and was never heard from again, the label has been shrouded in mystery for many years. This is one of the works under the name Juma, produced by Koshiro Yoshimatsu, who has left many works under his solo name on DD and is currently involved in film, video and music production, with vocalist F. Yasumura (who has also left his solo name to DD). Side A features minimal synth track "Aqua Cosmos" with a pulse-like electronic flow and sound effects, "Natural," which performs gentle minimal electronics from the sound of a helicopter circling, and dreamy sound “Memory” which is like a trip through scenes from the past. The B-side features “Qum” a minimal beat overlaid with atmospheric guitar sounds, intoxicating minimal vortex accented with a whispering female voice and pulsing sounds “Horrorscope”, and “Aqua Cosmos” which has a clearer soundscape than the A-side. It contains total 6 full-length tracks. The addictive minimal sound draws you in, and the work is highly accomplished under the name Juma. Unfortunately, it lacks the index, but it is a genuine original version. Don't miss it, as it does not appear at all.
山梨大学電子科に在籍していた鎌田忠が「スーパー・アマチュアリズム」という言葉を掲げ1980年〜1985年の間に無名のローカル・ミュージシャンや学生音楽家の250弱の作品を残したと言われるDD. Records。鎌田が名古屋に移りそのまま音信不通となった為に長年謎のベールに包まれたレーベルとして世界の好事家を巻き込み都市伝説的に語られてきました。本作はDDにもソロ名義にて多数の作品を残し現在は映画・映像・音楽制作に携わる吉松幸四郎がヴォーカルF. Yasumura(彼女もDDにソロ名義を残しています)を迎え制作したJuma名義作品のひとつ。A面にはミニマルなシンセ弾きにパルスのような電子の流れとSEが浮かんでくる”Aqua Cosmos”、ヘリコプターの旋回音から柔らかな電子ミニマルを奏でる”Natural”、過去の情景を巡るようなドリーミー・サウンド”Memory”。B面にはミニマルビートに風情あるギターサウンドを重ねた”Qum”、陶酔していくようなミニマルな渦に囁くような女性の声とパルス音がアクセントとなった”Horrorscope”、A面よりくっきりとした音像を放つ”Aqua Cosmos”。長編の全6曲を収録。中毒性のあるミニマルサウンドに引き込まれていきます。Juma名義でも高い完成度を持つ作品。残念ながらインデックス欠ですが正真正銘のオリジナル版。全く出てきませんのでどうぞお見逃しなく。
A1 - Aqua Cosmos
A2 - Natural
A3 - Memory
B1 - Qum
B2 - Horrorscope
B3 - Aqua Cosmos