Howard Shapiro – The Prize

Regular price ¥2,800

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Label:Kumanu Music – KM 1004


Used Cassette 1987

Tape:EX (opened from dead stock copy)

Jacket:EX (opened from dead stock copy)

Aina, the Hawaiian duo of Howard Shapiro and Michael Joao, met through surfing, and for a long time their only work was a mirage. This is solo cassette album in 1987 by Howard Shapiro, one half of the multi-instrumentalist/vocalist. The impression is that the number of sounds has increased over time, but the songwriting that is full of affection that is familiar to Aina has not changed. Starting with the AOR tune "Heaven's Door" which is uplifting vibes as the title suggests, “Time To Make A Change”, which has lovely warm tone with a female chorus, breezin' soft rock song "Where The Stars Do Shine", the synth-heavy "The Prize" showing the most experimental side, and other very pleasant songs line up. This piece is also great. Probably a cassette-only release.

長い間その唯一作は幻として知られてきた、サーフィンを通じて出会ったというHoward ShapiroとMichael Joaoによるハワイアン・デュオAina。本作はその片割れのマルチ奏者/ヴォーカリストHoward Shapiroによる87年のソロ名義作。時を経て音数は増した印象ですがAinaに通じる愛情に溢れたようなソングライティングは変わらず。タイトル通りの高揚感溢れるAORチューン”Heaven's Door”に始まり、女性コーラスを交え愛らしい音色にほっこりする”Time To Make A Change”、ブリージンなソフトロック曲”Where The Stars Do Shine”、最も実験的な側面を見せるシンセの効いた”The Prize”など気持ちいい楽曲が並びます。これもやっぱり最高です。おそらくカセットのみのリリース。

A1 - Heaven's Door

A2 - A New Day

A4 - Unity

B1 - Time To Make A Change

B2 - Where The Stars Do Shine

B4 - The Prize