Label:Nightingale Records – MC 911
Used Cassette 1987
Tape:VG+ (plays fine)
Jacket:VG+ (good condition)
Werner Hagen aka Anugama, a German multi-instrumentalist/composer with a diverse production history ranging from primitive dance music to shamanic, environmental, and therapeutic music, and who has also collaborated with Ariel Kalma. This is a cassette piece in 1987, the year he and percussionist Sebastiano took their musical direction toward Africa/Arabia. Side A features "African Journey" which leads to uplifting part based around a variety of percussion, and dynamic dance music "Dancing Tribe" that sounds like running through the savanna. On the B-side, “Arabic Journey” mixes arabic rhythms with lyrical synths. Both sides are great tracks with different themes.
プリミティブなダンスミュージックからシャーマニズム的音楽、環境音楽、セラピー音楽まで多岐に渡る制作歴を持ちAriel Kalmaとの共作も残すドイツ人マルチ楽器奏者/コンポーザーAnugamaことWerner Hagen。本作は打楽器奏者Sebastianoと共にアフリカ/アラブへと向かった87年のカセットテープ作品。A面には打楽器を主体に高揚感をもたらす中盤のパートに向かう”African Journey”、サバンナを駆けるけるような躍動的なダンスミュージック”Dancing Tribe”。B面にはアラビックなリズムに叙情的なシンセが混じりあっていく”Arabic Journey”。両面とも趣向を変えた長尺の好トラック。
A1 - African Journey
A2 - Dancing Tribe
B - Arabic Journey