Label:Jekes – JEKS 01
Used LP 1988
Disc:VG+/VG (mild wrapped on A side not affect to soundback, some background noise at mainly beginning of both sides, considered to be a fair quality for an African record, check audio samples)
Jacket:G (taped, torn, staine)
A Nigerian Afro-reggae piece from 1988 by Stanley Olise, Fettered Fury, and Amajali Ify, three musicians with no apparent history of activity. Total 7 tracks of Lo-Fi style with DIY analog feel. Among the recommended tracks are slow reggae number "We Need Peace And Love" with an excellent analog beat feel, "Unite Unite", full of cheerful vibes with irresistible synths, Lo-fi ”immature but impressive” reggae "Up Town Girl", and aciddy slow reggae "What You Offered Me". Great great! There is some background noise at mainly beginning of both sides, but it is considered to be a fair quality for an African record.
Stanley Olise, Fettered Fury, Amajali Ifyによる活動履歴も見当たらない3者による88年のナイジェリア産アフロ・レゲエ作品。DIY的なアナログの質感で制作されたLo-Fi感覚の全7曲。中でもオススメはアナログ全開のビート感覚に優れたスロー・レゲエ”We Need Peace And Love”、シンセ使いがたまらない陽気なヴァイブスに溢れた”Unite Unite”、Lo-fiヘタウマレゲエ”Up Town Girl”、アシッディ・スロー・レゲエ”What You Offered Me”。最高~!両面冒頭にバックグラウンドノイズありますが、アフリカン・レコード的にはまずまずといったところとの評価です。
A2 - What You Offered Me
B2 - Unite Unite
B3 - We Need Peace And Love
B4 - Up Town Girl