Kakai – Usobhuza Walitsatsa Ngenhlonipho

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Label:Soul Jazz Pop – BL 359

Country:South Africa

Used LP 1982

Disc:VG+/VG (B2 has small scratch part that cause light click noise, light surface noise at some quiet part, not bad condition overall)

Jacket:VG+ (light wear/crease, not serious, no tear/break)

1982 release work by Kakai, a group formed around the leader Sunnyboy Khumalo, who has been active since the 1960s, and inherited the Swazi tradition of the Eastern Transvaal of South Africa. Produced by West Nkosi, an original member of the Makgona Tsohle Band and big producer who has produced over a thousand records. The entire album features a modern, updated sound based on rich rhythm of Swazi. Our favorits are "Bayedzelela" with sticky groove that clings to the dope rhythm section, obscure feel Afro dancer "Ge-Ge-Ge", and “Yemantentelezane,” which sways to a relaxing groove while the whistle sounds. It's a well-received album that shows not only danceability also respect for tradition.

60年代より活動するリーダーSunnyboy Khumaloを中心に結成された南アフリカ共和国・東トランスバールのスワジの伝統を受け継いだグループKakaiによる82年の作品。プロデュースをMakgona Tsohle Bandのオリジナルメンバーであり、千を越せる作品を手掛けた名プロデューサーのWest Nkosiが務めています。スワジの豊潤なリズムワークをベースにモダンにアップデートさせたサウンドを全編で聞かせてくれます。中でもドープなリズム隊にねっとり絡みつくようなグルーブの”Bayedzelela”、オブスキュア感覚のアフロ・ダンサー”Ge-Ge-Ge”、ホイッスル鳴り響きながらゆったりとしたグルーヴに揺れる”Yemantentelezane”は当店的におすすめ。ダンサンブルだけではなく伝統に対するリスペクトを感じさせる好感の持てる内容です。

A1 - Salitsatsa Ngenhlonipho

A2 - Bayedzelela

A4 - Landzela Siyohlehla

A6 - Nabontfombi Hlonipha

B1 - Ge-Ge-Ge

B2 - Lomajikele (scratch part on middle)

B3 - Mswati Waka Hhoho

B4 - Simolo-Molo