George Happi ‎– Man Don't Run!

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Label:Music Family D.G.H.


Used LP 1988

Disc:VG+ (good shape)

Jacket:VG+/VG (vinyl cover and jacket taped part on back(please check photos), slight scuffs/wrinkles, totally not bad condition) w/original inner sleeve

African drummer Georges Deulemkam aka George Happi released this album in 1988 from Germany. He is often involved in productions made in France but this work features German players such as Tom Nicholas of Family Of Percussion and Thomas Schmitt-Zijnen, who is involved in the Super Max productions. Highlight tunes such as mid-afro synth tune "I'm Stayin' In Between" and the uplifting and peaceful "Let's Take A Chance" are great, however sweet soul number "Blues Back Home (Misery)" is irresistible. Others such as A4/B3 with a reggae approach are not bad. It is a work of high perfection with a sense of quality throughout.

アフリカ系ドラム奏者George HappiことGeorges Deulemkamがドイツよりリリースした88年作。フランスで制作された作品に関わっていることが多いですがですが、こちらではFamily Of PercussionのTom NicholasやSuper Max作品に関わるThomas Schmitt-Zijnenなどドイツ勢が参加しています。ハイライトのミッド・アフロ・シンセ”I'm Stayin' In Between”や高揚感とピースフルな雰囲気に満ちた”Let's Take A Chance”もいいですが最高にメロウなスウィート・ソウル・ナンバー”Blues Back Home (Misery)”がたまらなくいいです。他にもレゲエ・アプローチのA4/B3なども悪くないです。全体を通してクオリティを感じる完成度の高い作品。

A1 - Let's Take A Chance

A4 - Man Don't Run!

B1 - I'm Stayin' In Between

B2 - Blues Back Home (Misery)

B3 - I Was Lucky

B4 - She Was Right