Jeanne Geidel And The New Horizon - Living Force

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Label:Not On Label – KM 4986


Used LP

Disc:VG+ (B1 has small scratch (or pressing mistake?) affect to click noise, rest of tracks are plays fine, feel slight surface noise at mainly quiet part)

Jacket:VG+ (in shrink)

In the late 70's, as Catholic liturgical music gradually came under the control of publishers, a large group led by guitarist/therapist Jeanne Geidel, who was one of the few who tried to create non-universal Catholic music, produced this self-produced album. The production evokes harmonies from the rich/large instrumentation, a sense of floating combined with therapeutic elements, gospel-like chorus. Among the highlights are "One With Me" a folky number with an ethereal atmosphere, "Glory To God" filled with soulful and beautiful synth harmonies, and "Father, We Have Gathered" features a wonderful gospel chorus. The cover also shows the spirituality of the album. 

70年代後半、カトリック典礼音楽がだんだんと大きな出版社の支配下になっていく中、普遍的でないカトリック音楽を作ろうとする少数のひとりであったというギター奏者/セラピストJeanne Geidelが率いた大所帯グループによる自主制作盤。豊かな楽器編成から奏でられるハーモニー、セラピー的な要素の相まった浮遊感、ゴスペル的な合唱などが思わせるプロダクション。中でも幽玄な空気感を持ったフォーキー・ナンバー”One With Me”、ソウルフルで美しいシンセのハーモニーに包まれる”Glory To God”、素晴らしいゴスペル合唱を聞かせてくれる”Father, We Have Gathered”は出色。ジャケットからも現れている全編スピリチュアルな感覚に溢れた良作です。

A2 - One With Me

A4 - Trinity

B1 - Living Force (include scratch part)

B2 - Glory To God

B3 - Father, We Have Gathered

B4 - Hosanna To Our King!