Label:Inside The Soundscape
Used Cassette 1986
Tape:VG+/EX (plays great)
Sleeve&Case:VG+/EX (clean)
German female sound artist Hildegard Westerkamp's cassette tape, on her own label Inside The Soundscape, features a dynamic soundscape of a 1985 exchange with an Indigenous people in western Canada, accompanied by river sounds, Indigenous songs and drums.
ドイツ人女流サウンドアーティストHildegard WesterkampのInside The Soundscape四作目となるカセットテープ。1985年カナダ西部の先住民族との交流の一幕を川の音や先住民族の歌や太鼓と共に躍動感あるサウンドスケープを収録した貴重な録音物。
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3