Label:SRB Records – SN-0011
Country:South Korea
Used LP 1981
Disc:VG+ (feel slight surface noise, totally good shape)
Jacket:VG+ (few spots, light scuffs, not bad conditoon)
Released in 1981 by Korean singer Lee Eun Ha, who has been constantly releasing since the 70's. It's high sense Korean piece from funk to ballads with synths, particularly highlight B2/B4 and moody ballad A1/B3 are recommended. The unique Orientalism is also good.
70年代からコンスタントにリリースを重ねる韓国人シンガーLee Eun Haによる81年作。ハイライトになりそうなB2/B4からムード全開の歌謡バラードA1/B3などコリアン・ファンクからシンセ入りのバラード曲まで高水準な内容。独特なオリエンタリズムも聴き所。
A1 - 한 순간
A2 - 당신께만
B2 - 아리송해
B3 - 아무말도 하지 말아줘
B4 - 조용한 미소