Chen Yang = 陳揚 – 尋找台灣生命力—落葉與朝露

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Label:點將唱片 – DJ-M001


Used Cassette 1991

Tape:VG+ (plays fine)

Sleeve:VG+ (light scuffs/wrinkles on sleeve, totally not bad conditoon) w/insert

1991 cassette release album by the Taiwanese composer Chen Yang, who is known for not only popular music and also music for plays and dance, music production/provision related to media, and music style that quickly adopted new age and modern classical music. In this work, all 8 tunes full of spiritual, nostalgia, and romanticism that even feel the culmination of creative activities that have continued since the latter half of 1970 are shown. The soundscape has a sense of having reached a different level, not at all inferior to the works of Hiroshi Yoshimura who is Japan's leading environmental musician. Just surprised. Probably cassette-only work from the small country of Taiwan in 1991, but we assure that it should be heard by many more people.

ポピュラー音楽だけではなく劇やダンスの為の音楽、メディア関係の楽曲制作/提供、いち早くニューエイジやモダンクラシカルを取り入れた音楽スタイルで知られる台湾の作曲家 陳揚の91年のカセットテープ作品。本作では70年後半から続く創作活動の集大成と言わんばかりのスピリチュアル、ノスタルジア、ロマンシズムに導かれた全8曲を披露。日本を代表する環境音楽家 吉村弘諸作にも全く引けを取らない到達した感のあるサウンドスケープ。凄すぎてビックリしました。小さな国台湾の91年のカセット作品につき稀少となっていますが、これはもっと多くの人に聞いて貰うべき作品と断言します。

A1 - 落葉 = Falling Leaves

A2 - 山歌 = Song Of Mountain

A4 - 光影 = Shadow Of Light

B1 - 早晨的空氣 = The Morning Air

B2 - 朝露 = Dew In The Morning

B3 - 一下午的蟬聲 = The Shrill Sound Of Cicada For Whole Afternoon