Label:Melopea Discos
Used Cassette 1992
Tape:VG+ (plays fine)
Case&Sleeve:VG+(light wear, not bad condition)
Quique Sinesi, one of Argentina's leading guitarists. He has built his career since the 70's, as represented by collaboration with César Franov at the beginning, and radical folklore jazz works of Alfombra Magica. In recent years, he has left a live work in Japan here with Carlos Aguirre who has been leading the scene together and continues to be active in various collaborations. This is a cassette tape work in 1992 that was quietly released from Litto Nebbia's Melopea. Recorded in 1989, the same year as the aforementioned Alfombra Magica was active, the album focuses on guitar playing that is consistent with the current style, which is also described as "quiet music". B1 "Sonidos De Aquel Dia" is one of the most moving. Luis Borda also participates. Probably released as Cassette or CD. Finally re-stock.
キャリア初期のCésar Franovとの共作、Alfombra Magicaといった先鋭的なフォルクローレ・ジャズ諸作に代表されるように70年代からキャリアを築き、昨今ではここ日本でも共にシーンを牽引するCarlos Aguirreとのライブ作品を残すアルゼンチンを代表するギタリストの一人Quique Sinesi。本作はLitto Nebbia主催Melopeaより密かにリリースしていた92年のカセットテープ作品。前述Alfombra Magicaの活動期に当たる89年に録音がなされていた作品で「静かなる音楽」とも評される現在の作風に通じる美しいギタープレイを中心に収録。B1”Sonidos De Aquel Dia”は中でも感動的。Luis Bordaも参加しています。おそらくカセットもしくはCDのみのリリースと思います。ようやく再入荷できました。
A2 - Voces Interiores
B1 - Sonidos De Aquel Dia
B2 - Suenos De Octubre
B4 - Agostando