Label:Melopea Discos - CMSE5008
Used Cassette 1990
Tape:VG+ (plays fine)
J-Card:VG+ (good condition)
1990 recording piece from Melopea, whose group name means aviator or pilot. Gustavo Bergalli, a trumpet player who left works with Jorge Lopez Ruiz, Alberto Favero, Rodolfo Alchourron, others, moved to Sweden in the mid-70s, and when he returned to Buenos Aires, this is a record of a session with Litto Nabbia and other well known musicians from various backgrounds through 80's. Total 7 tracks, include title track "Los Aviadores" is full of energy, and the playing of Gustavo Bergalli and Néstor Marconi in particular excellent, followed by "Retrato de Lea," which captivates with César Franov's smooth composing, melancholy tune that Nebbia dedicate to Bergalli "Gustavo en Buenos Aires", and and the graceful "La Dinamarquesa" featuring Danish trombonist Erling Kroner and Quique Sinesi. There is no doubt about it. A cassette-only.
飛行士や操縦士を意味するグループ名がつけられたMelopeaに残された90年録音作品。Jorge Lopez Ruiz, Alberto Favero, Rodolfo Alchourronなどの作品に名を残し70年代半ばにスウェーデンに渡ったトランペット奏者Gustavo Bergalliがブエノスアイレスに戻ったタイミングにて、様々な境遇を経たLittoNabbiaはじめ気心の知れたミュージシャン達のセッションの記録。躍動感に満ちた、特にGustavo BergalliとNéstor Marconiのプレイは鳥肌もののタイトル曲"Los Aviadores"を先頭に、César Franovらしい滑らかな演奏にうっとりする”Retrato de Lea"、NebbiaがBergalliに送った哀愁溢れる”Gustavo en Buenos Aires"、デンマーク人トロンボーン奏者Erling KronerとQuique Sinesiが参加した気品に満ち満ちた"La Dinamarquesa"など全7曲。間違いないです。カセットオンリーの知られざる作品です。
A1 - Los Aviadores
A2 - Retrato de Lea
A4 - Gustavo en Buenos Aires
B2 - Memorias
B3 - La Dinamarquesa