Label:La Mar Records – CPP 770
Used LP 1989
Disc:VG+ (light surface noise at mainly quiet part, plays good overall)
Jacket:VG+ (light scuffs, not bad condition) w/original inner, two inserts.
The second album from 1989 by Liliana Herrero, a singer from Villagüey, a city near Rosario, Argentina, who still has a great influence on the scene today. As with the first album, Fito Páez produced this one as well, with participation from Spinetta and Emilio Del Guercio. Compared to her first album, this album is more cohesive overall, and the 10 tracks give the impression that her musicality is being established. Including modern arrangement of the folklore song "Esa Fulanita" that associated with Leda Valladares, folky type number ”La Añera” that spreads like a soaking water, modern folklore "Yo Vengo A Ofrecer Mi Corazón" with impressive percussion by Juancho Perone, and "Ay Por Qué Dios Me Daría" which also features Fito Páez's sharp synths. She had already completed a sound that stood out at this time. The LP version has arrived after a long time. It comes with original inner and two inserts.
現在もシーンに大きな影響力を持つアルゼンチン・ロサリオ近郊の都市ビジャグエイ出身のシンガーLiliana Herreroの89年のセカンドアルバム。ファースト同様に今作でもFito Páezがプロデュースを手掛けSpinetta, Emilio Del Guercioも参加。味わい深いヴォーカル、Fito Páezアレンジメント、シンセワーク、そしてまとまりが増した印象の全10曲。Leda Valladares関連のフォルクローレ曲モダン・アレンジ”Esa Fulanita”、浸透していくように広がるフォーキーな”La Añera”、Juancho Peroneのパーカッションも印象的なモダン・フォルクローレ”Yo Vengo A Ofrecer Mi Corazón”、Fito Páezのキレキレのシンセも聴き所の”Ay Por Qué Dios Me Daría”などこの時代でも既に突出したサウンドを完成させています。やっぱり最高です。LP版超久々に入荷できました。オリジナルインナー、インサート二枚全て付いてます。
A2 - Ay Por Qué Dios Me Daría
A3 - Perdido He'i Andado
A4 - La Añera
B1 - De Mis Pagos
B2 - Vidala Para Mi Sombra
B3 - Yo Vengo A Ofrecer Mi Corazón
B4 - Canción de Cuna Costera
B5 - Esa Fulanita