Arida Conta – Suelo Indomito

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Used LP 1989

Disc:VG+ (light surface/back noise at especially quiet part, super light wrapped on B side not affect to sound, totally good shape as latin/melopea record)

Jacket:VG+ (light scuffs/wrinkles, not bad conditon) w/insert

The debut album of Arida Conta, an elite guitarist from Córdoba, Fernando Tarrés, who is well played in both classical and popular music, and pianist Juan Carlos Tolosa, also from Córdoba, who was formed mainly by members in their early 20s. Produced by Litto Nebbia, of course, and Cacho Tejirana, Marcelo Baraj are joining. Noteworthy is B4 "Hasta Las Cumbres Del Silencio", a fusion of tight rhythms, thrilling instrumental ensembles and beautiful melodies, the opening organic jazz A1 "Desde Aqui" which seems to embody Argentina’s longing , the high-sense jazz B1 "Suelo Indomito" which unfolds like a skyscraper ,quality jazz-rock B5 "La Vieja Fiestera". Defenitery one of the highest rank album in Melopea, which has a wonderful sense of skill and development that is not straightforward for any tracks. Finally stock in vinyl.

クラシックとポピュラー共に精通するコルドバ出身のギタリストFernando Tarrés、ピアニストJuan Carlos Tolosaが中心となって当時20代前半のメンバー中心で結成されたArida Contaのデヴュー作。プロデュースは勿論Litto Nebbia、他にもCacho Tejirana,Marcelo Barajなどが参加。まずはタイトなリズムにスリリングな楽器のアンサンブル、上品なメロディーが交差するB4”Hasta Las Cumbres Del Silencio”、更に冒頭を飾るアルゼンチンの慕情を表現したようなオーガニックジャズA1"Desde Aqui"、摩天楼の様に展開するハイセンスジャズB1"Suelo Indomito"、上質のジャズロックB5"La Vieja Fiestera"など素晴らしいです。どの曲も一筋縄ではいかない展開と熟練感が漂う見事という他ないMelopeaでも最上位ランクの一枚。なかなか入りませんのでお見逃しなく。

A1 - Desde Aqui

A2 - Me Perdonas?

A4 - Corpachada

B1 - Suelo Indomito

B4 - Hasta Las Cumbres Del Silencio

B5 - La Vieja Fiestera