Label:Discos Redondel
Used LP 1990
Disc:VG+ (slight surface noise at begging/quiet part, total nice shape, please check audio sample from begging part)
Jacket:VG+ (promo stamp on back, very small scratch on back, not bad condition, please check photos)
Ara Tokatlian, a leading member of Arco Iris, one of Argentina's most important bands, also known as a master flute and saxophone player and the Bulgarian pianist Milcho Leviev has worked all over the world with João Gilberto/Caetano Veloso/Al Jarreau,& the aforementioned Arco Iris,etc. This is a joint work released in 1990. The melancholy flute, dynamic and delicate piano, and expressive saxophone combine to create an Argentinian-esque, yet European-esque free jazz masterpiece.
アルゼンチン最重要バンドのひとつArco Irisの主要メンバーでありフルートやサックスの名手でも知られるAra Tokatlianとブルガリア出身ながらJoão Gilberto/Caetano Veloso/Al Jarreauとの共演歴や前述のArco Irisへの参加など南米にも多くの功績を残し活動してきたピアニストMilcho Levievとの90年の共演作。憂いのあるフルート、躍動感ある繊細なピアノ、表情豊かなサックス等が一体となったアルゼンチンジャズシーンの豊かさを表現しながらもヨーロッパらしさも滲ませる一級フリージャズを奏でた名作です。
A1 - Zhal
A3 - Chacarera Dance
B1 - Danara
B3 - Marzolunaria