Alexandra – Un Verano Junto Al Mar

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Label:Microfon – SUP-80.296


Used LP 1985

Disc:VG+/EX (great shape)

Jacket:VG+/VG (not serious minor wears as latin sleeve, price tag/small writing/stamp on back, not bad conditon)

The only LP release in 1985 left by American singer Alexandra Brooks, whose main occupation is a psychic now. This is a gem that was distributed only in Argentina and Mexico, not in the U.S., perhaps because of the Italo-Europop style (?). It seems that she was a vocalist in an alternative band, and that singing voice brings dynamism even though it is a little husky. Among them, best track is “Fantasia”, a mysterious and bewitching melody over a dopey rhythm beat. This alone is killer, also there are number of good tracks such as ”Un Verano Junto Al Mar”, ”Riviera”, ”Vete Rene” that were hits in LA etc. as reimports. The sound quality is also amazing. She has lived in Tokyo for several years.

本業は霊能者だというアメリカ人シンガーAlexandra Brooksが残した85年の唯一のLP作品。イタロ~ユーロポップなジャンルからかアメリカではなくアルゼンチン及びメキシコのみで流通されたというそこら辺の事情も気になる逸品。元々オルタナ系のバンドでもヴォーカルを務めていたようで少しハスキーながらもダイナミズムをもたらす歌声。中でも最も注目なのがドープなリズムビートの上をミステリアスかつ妖艶なメロディで突き進む”Fantasia”がめちゃくちゃカッコいい。これだけでもヤバいですが、他にも逆輸入的にLAなどでもヒットしたという”Un Verano Junto Al Mar”、”Riviera”、”Vete Rene”等良曲が並びます。そして音の鳴りが抜群。アルゼンチンに残されたイタロ/シンセポップ秀作。どうやら彼女は東京にも数年住んだことがあるそうです。

A1 - Un Verano Junto Al Mar

A2 - Vete Rene

A3 - Riviera

A4 - Eres Tu

B1 - Fantasia

B2 - Daniel

B4 - Martinica