Label:Melopea Discos
Used CD 1992
Disc:VG+ (plays fine)
Sleeve:VG+ (one wrinkle part, not bad condition)
One of the leading Argentinean jazz musicians, who is also known for "Suite Trane", a masterpiece dedicated to John Coltrane in 1970. Although the aforementioned work is often mentioned, the period from the late 80's to the early 90's, when he never stopped evolving and released various approaches, is also of great interest. This album was recorded in 1989, following the masterpiece of 1987. A complete piece that expresses the purity and longing of Argentina inherited from the wise jazz era with its transparent crystal sound in a simple yet sophisticated form. A seamless album that will definitely reach the ambient/new age listener. It has been in stock at cd for a while.
70年のJohn Coltraneへ捧げた名作”Suite Traneke”でも知られるアルゼンチン・ジャズ界を代表するひとりAlberto Favero。前述の作品で語られる事が多すぎますが様々なアプローチのリリースをしていた80年後半から90年前半も大いに注目で、本作は87年の傑作に続く89年録音作。ジャズ聡明期から受け継ぐアルゼンチンの純情や慕情をその透明感のあるクリスタルサウンドと共に洗練された形で表現した一つの完成形。アンビエント/ニューエイジリスナーの耳にも届く全8曲。CDにて久々に入荷しました。
T2 - Centaura
T3 - Segundo Nocturno
T5 - Isadora
T6 - El Leiv Motiv
T7 - Mamoku