Stefano Pantaleoni – Simulacri

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Label:Sprint Records – SR 901


Used LP 1990

Disc:VG+ (some cracking part due to pressing, looks shiny and good shape overall)


This work was recorded in 1990 at the private studio left by Stefano Pantaleoni, a composer from Parma, Italy, who has been involved in a wide range of musical fields, from rock, contemporary classical music, electronic music, chamber music, stage music. The entire album features electronics with both dynamism and sensibility, which can be said to be of Italian heritage. The compositions, from the classical atmosphere to the atmospheric sounding, are well thought out and wonderful. It is amazing that this piece has been sleeping without being seen by anyone. He is currently active as a music teacher. This work is almost unknown even locally. Please note that there are only several copies with jackets, and there is no jacket.

ロック、現代クラシック音楽、電子音楽、室内楽、舞台音楽まで多面的な音楽分野に携わってきたイタリア・パルマ出身の作曲家Stefano Pantaleoniが90年に残したプライベートスタジオで録音された作品。イタリア直系とも言えるダイナミズムとセンシティブを併せ持ったエレクトロニクスを全編に収録。クラシカルな雰囲気からアトモスフェリックな響きを持った楽曲までよく練られたのが伝わる構成もまた素晴らしい。これが人目に触れる事なく眠っていたとは改めてイタリアの土壌には恐れ入ります。現在は教師として教壇に立っているようです。ほとんど現地でも知られていない作品。ジャケット付きは数枚程度とのインフォで、ジャケットはないようですのでご注意ください。

A3 - Santuari Muti

A4 - Contemplazioni Dissolte

A5 - In Quiete

B2/B3 - Positivi Silenzi Di Luce / Nel Tempo Di Un Minuto

B4 - Al Ein Ahd 2

B5 - Intenso D'Olimpo

B6 - Riti