Mariposa – Gedankensprünge

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Used LP 1984

Disc:VG+/EX (great shape)

Jacket:VG+/EX (clean)

The only album by Mariposa, a six-member folk group led by Wolfgang Gnida, who retains the masterpiece "Mellemland et Tonmalereien" was also featured in our store. Think it's a group of members who are oriented towards ethnic and organic, the folk sound with spiritual/new age feeling is simply great and A4/A5 which draws an imaginary soundscape are especially recommended. With a beautiful cover

当店でも紹介した傑作"Mellemlandet Tonmalereien"を残すWolfgang Gnidaを中心とした6人組フォークグループMariposaの唯一作。エスニックやオーガニックを志向するメンバーの集まりと思いますが、スピリチュアル/ニューエイジ感覚にも優れたフォークサウンドが素晴らしく、特にイマジナリーな音風景を描くA4/A5は秀逸。美しいジャケットも相まった作品。

A4 - Stille

A5 - Januar

B2 - Dicker Weicher Traum